Still figuring it out. Gotta figure out how to make it awesome, and how to export the normals. Getting normals in mudbox is pretty easy, but zbrush seems to want me to jump through some hoops.
20 minnute doodle of a kitty. I like the colors, I was experimenting with limmited use of line.
The handsome half-orc I'm currently painting is a battle butler named Sebastian. He's one of my favourite DnD characeters ever besides Kate.
Some life drawing. These were all 5 minute drawings from late July.
Cafe drawings- some I was trying to characterize and some were much more observed.
Page 'o doodles. Notice the dreamworks faces on the characters in the lower left :)
Mildred's low poly model is done, and now I'm unwraping her for the high poly sculpt.
Also I'm pissed about track one no longer being an option for Junior Projects. I'm scrapping my whole storyboard and making a new one. I still want to use Mildred for whatever the new story is.